Wednesday, July 22, 2015

BP5- Arctic Tale Essay

The arctic tale was a documentary about a polar bear cub and a walrus calf called Nanu and Seale . The movie makers followed these two animals as they lived their life in the North Pole. Because of global warming, the lives of the animals have changed drastically. Because of what humans are doing to the climate- putting a bunch of CO2 in the atmosphere- the Arctic animals are attempting to live their life in a warmer world and to me it's heart breaking how they struggle to survive. It's not all bad, though I liked the fact that they continue to fight to remain alive, and that's something I can learn from.

There is a main reason why the lives of the Arctic animals are changing. Global warming is caused by the huge amounts of carbon dioxide us humans put out into the atmosphere. The CO2 comes from the tailpipes of cars, factories, and making electricity. CO2 collects in the atmosphere and creates something like a blanket, a thick blanket, around the earth. We all know that when we use a thick blanket in the summer it makes us uncomfortable and it's also really hot. This is also known as the greenhouse effect, and it's the main cause of the melting sea ice in the Arctic and the main reason why the lives of Arctic animals are changing.

What teens can do to protect Nanu and Seala
Teens can do many things to change the global warming path we are already on. I think the most important thing would be to reduce the amount of time we spend driving in cars. Gas-burning cars puta lot of CO2 in the atmosphere. Electric cars aren't any better. Because these cars need to be plugged-in and charged, plus much of the electricity we use comes from coal-burning power plants, which puts a lot of CO2 into the air.
Another thing teens can do is reduce the amount of Hot Pockets we eat. Hot Pockets and other frozen foods require a lot of electricity to keep frozen and to heat up in a microwave. By eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, teens can eat healthier but also support the growth of trees and plants, which reduce The amount of CO2 I the air.

The positive effects on changing our ways
If teens choose to walk or ride s bike more, not only will they be reducing the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, but they would be helping Animals in the Arctic to live the life they a reused to living. Also, teens would be choosing a healthier lifestyle and living longer.

The earth is warming. That is not an opinion it's fact. Since the 1800's, humans have made the earth warmer due to increased CO2 put in the air through our activities.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

BP3- Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification is affecting everyone 
Oceans are becoming more and more acidic due to all the carbon in our atmosphere. The oceans have changed so much they've become warmer and they've absorbed 50% of the carbon dioxide that's put out by all of the industries and factories and cars we use everyday. Oceans have turned 30% more acidic in the last hundred years.
    Shelled animals, such as clams, oysters, and coral are affected the most due to the carbon in the ocean. The carbon doesn't allow them to fully grow out their shells and because of this they're shells are becoming weaker and so are they which also makes it easier for bigger animals to eat them. Normally shelled animals spend their feeding time scooping up carbonate ions, but when carbon enters the water it releases Hydrogen ions, but due to all the hydrogen ions in the water the animals tend to spend more time searching for food than actually eating the food causing them to give up and not eat and become weaker and smaller.
   Greenhouse gases started rising in the late 1800's in the United States when the industrial revolution first started to rise up and more and more people started migrating over here to find jobs. The workers were all races the ages ranged from five-year old girls to ladies in their late 70's. All those jobs were putting all this pollution in the atmosphere which caused it to turn the skies black for quite a long time.
Deep sea animals are being affected 

   Acids and Bases are how foods and liquids are scaled. They're scaled on how acidic they are on the PH scale. The scale ranges from 0 which is the most acidic, stomach acid, to 14 which is less acidic, Sodium hydroxide, the 0-4 includes stomach acid and lemon juice and anything you can think of In between. At the middle of the scale you have lucky number seven which is a neutral. A neutral is something that is not an acid nor is it a base. Our neutral is Water, pure water. After the neutrals come the bases which are the opposites of acids which include baking soda, tooth paste, soap, and bleach  these are the less acidic and not as harmful as the acids.
   All of our carbon dioxide is going into our atmosphere which makes earth a lot warmer than it has ever been. The ocean has absorbed almost half of the carbon dioxide that's in our atmosphere.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

BP2 - Human Impact on oceans

Humans have a big impact on our oceans
If you ask yourself what issues are affecting oceans you can probably come up with a lot like acidification, which makes the oceans become more acid due to the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, over fishing is another one, we've taken over 80% of the fish population out of the oceans. That's a lot. Fisheries help fishes grow and they also help them from getting over fished. Fisheries are places where people can't get through or into they're a safe place for fishes.

San Diego has many local fisheries 

Monday, July 6, 2015

BP1- San Diego and Water

San Diego's resivoirs are very important 
San Diego has a desert like climate, it is very hot and it doesn't rain as much compared to San Fransisco. San Diego gets most of its water from the Colorado River, the State Water Project, and a lot of local sources as well like the resivoir up in Cuyamaca Lake.
    The plan that San Diegans have to supply water in the year 2050 is; to use even more recycled water than we are now, start using desalination more, and not wasting anymore water like we are now.
The reason is that our population will increase double the amount we have. In 2050 we will have at least 2 million residents by 2050. But we won't have the amount of supplies to satisfy the needs of the people.
   San Diego plans to use the resources we have now and use them carefully and in a smart way. Also by getting rid of as many grass lawns as we can
San Diego gets most of its water from the Colorado River